# face_recognition 在 windows 下安装与使用
face_recognition 是一个强大、简单、易上手的人脸识别开源项目,并且配备了完整的开发文档和应用案例,特别是兼容
最近想用树莓派做一个监控摄像头的项目,准备现在 windows 上把程序先做好再部署到 linux 上,但是官方并不推荐在 windows 上使用。以下是我的踩坑之旅
# 本地环境
OS: Windows 11 | |
IDE: pycharm | |
python: 3.12 |
# 安装 dlib
CMake is not installed on your system! | |
Or it is possible some broken copy of cmake is installed on your system. | |
It is unfortunately very common for python package managers to include | |
broken copies of cmake. So if the error above this refers to some file | |
path to a cmake file inside a python or anaconda or miniconda path then you | |
should delete that broken copy of cmake from your computer. | |
Instead, please get an official copy of cmake from one of these known good | |
sources of an official cmake: | |
- cmake.org (this is how windows users should get cmake) | |
- apt install cmake (for Ubuntu or Debian based systems) | |
- yum install cmake (for Redhat or CenOS based systems) | |
On a linux machine you can run `which cmake` to see what cmake you are | |
actually using. If it tells you it's some cmake from any kind of python | |
packager delete it and install an official cmake. | |
More generally, cmake is not installed if when you open a terminal window | |
and type | |
cmake --version | |
you get an error. So you can use that as a very basic test to see if you | |
have cmake installed. That is, if cmake --version doesn't run from the | |
same terminal window from which you are reading this error message, then | |
you have not installed cmake. Windows users should take note that they | |
need to tell the cmake installer to add cmake to their PATH. Since you | |
can't run commands that are not in your PATH. This is how the PATH works | |
on Linux as well, but failing to add cmake to the PATH is a particularly | |
common problem on windows and rarely a problem on Linux. |
对于这个问题,只是少了一个 cmake 库,好搞
pip install cmake |
应该是没有 visualStudio 的编译器
于是我去 visual studio 的官网上安装了以下两个组件
再装下 dlib 库试试
pip install dlib |
# 安装 face_recognition
剩下的就要简单很多了,直接运行 pip
pip install face_recognition |
又又又又又出现了问题,缺少 face_recognition_models
pip install git+https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition_models |
这是因为缺少 setuptools 库
pip install setuptools |
ok, 完美!终于装好这个库了
# 写个 demo 试一下
import face_recognition | |
from PIL import Image | |
image = face_recognition.load_image_file("./img.png") | |
face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) | |
print("I found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_locations))) | |
for face_location in face_locations: | |
top, right, bottom, left = face_location | |
print("A face is located at pixel location Top: {}, Left: {}, Bottom: {}, Right: {}".format(top, left, bottom, right)) | |
face_image = image[top:bottom, left:right] | |
pil_image = Image.fromarray(face_image) | |
pil_image.show() |
# 用了一张网上的 ai 人像
# 识别效果
看起来不错 识别了两张人脸,大失败啊